Last Updated Date
Policy Type

Professional Development


The Board of Trustees encourages active participation at professional meetings, conferences, workshops, and training sessions. First-rate libraries have staff and board members who challenge their assumptions and give back to the library profession. The Board of Trustees believes that it is necessary and fitting to reimburse reasonable expenses for select participants in keeping with the library’s annual budget for travel and professional development priorities.

1) Travel: Lowest economical air fare and federal mileage reimbursement for ground travel.

2) Lodging: Cost for standard hotel within a reasonable distance from the event.

3) Meals: Per Diem costs in keeping with City policy.

4) Conference Registration


The Cedar Rapids Public Library Board of Trustees believes that continuing education of the library staff is an important part of our ability to provide quality service. We are committed to upgrading library services through additional education and training. The board endorses annual staff in-service training opportunities.


The board endorses the pursuit of professional library education or continuing education that supports professional development within the Library through both stipends to defray the cost of education and release time in accordance with City policy and current Union contracts.  Whereas City of Cedar Rapids Policy 6.04 – EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM specifically states only regular full-time employees are eligible, the Library Trustees choose to extend this benefit to both full and part-time benefitted staff members using the City of Cedar Rapids application and approval process.



Adopted: 09/24/87

Revised: 10/31/91, 01/06/00, 12/01/05, 12/01/11, 10/03/19, 08/06/20; 11/03/23; 04/04/24

Review: 2013, 02/04/2016

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