Library Closed for Staff Training

Both locations of the library will be closed on Thursday, February 20, for All Staff Training. 

Becoming a Citizen

Resources for Citizenship

As part of our strategic goal of becoming a community hub of civic engagement and the City of Cedar Rapids commitment to being a welcoming community, the Cedar Rapids Public Library has compiled Welcoming Resources and information about voting and elections, along with this resource guide for those who seek to become citizens. 

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services provides the steps for becoming a citizen. They have additional information online for anyone seeking to learn more about the process, as well as links to the paperwork required.

The process includes collecting and filing documents. If you need help using a computer or printing paperwork in this process, staff at the library can assist you. 

If you need help with citizenship classes or legal assistance, several community organizations offer these services. 

Citizenship Classes 

Immigration Legal Help 

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, 420 Sixth St. SE, Suite 220, Cedar Rapids, (319) 364-7121

Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice, PO Box 41006, Des Moines, (515) 255-9809