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Volunteer Policy


At the Cedar Rapids Public Library we value the support of an engaged volunteer community. We recognize that volunteers enrich library services and enhance our library staff’s ability to provide an outstanding library experience.  We create meaningful, engaging, and enjoyable volunteer opportunities to build relationships with our community.


Volunteers provide important support to the Cedar Rapids Public Library staff and perform a wide variety of tasks that are critical to the mission of the library. Though vital, volunteers are not a replacement for a professionally trained and capable library staff. Volunteer positions are unpaid and “at will.”


Volunteers perform a wide variety of duties. Volunteer positions are designed based on library needs and are filled based on matched volunteer interests and qualifications.  The library is committed to providing a safe environment and, to that end, volunteers must complete a background screening process appropriate to their role.


Volunteers are recognized by the public as representatives of the library and portray a positive image to the public. Volunteers receive training as it relates to their role and adhere to all Library policies.







Adopted: 04/24/86

Revised: 10/31/91, 12/05, 08/11, 02/04/2016, 10/03/2019, 1/5/2023, 7/11/2024

Reviewed: 2013

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